Chest Stretches for Posture Correction

By Bijal Shah

Chest stretches and opening exercises are useful in improving the breathing pattern, correct muscle imbalance, and boost proper posture.  Moreover, chest stretches also help relieve stress and help relax the body.  Stretching exercises are usually pleasant if done correctly following expert guidelines. Lengthening a shortened or tightened muscle also relieves muscle tension and reduces pain.


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Posture Correction: Neck Stretch and Isometric Exercise

By Bijal Shah

The neck position is crucial to achieve a  proper posture. It’s been said that the “first impression is the last impression”. I know it may not be true 100% but your first impression plays a vital role in several things. The way you carry yourself carries around 70 % to 80% of weight in that first impression. So, I want to dedicate a series of articles on postural correction exercises. I am going to talk about upper body posture and exercises for neck, chest and upper back in this series.

Neck stretches and exercises are important to reduce neck pain, tightness and to improve posture. In this era of computers and phones, many of us are constantly in front of a screen, which creates either forward head posture or computer neck.  I want to dedicate this article to all the computer savvy readers whose neck is working overtime all the time (with no bonus)!!

neck exercises

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Tips on Prescribing Exercise as a Physical Therapist

By Bijal Shah

How a physical therapist decides/prescribes the exercise for a patient to make meaningful changes.  You may be wondering, exercise prescription??  We have heard about prescribing medication but not exercises, right?  Why do I bother to spread awareness that exercises, just like medications also have a prescription? Yes, you read that right.  We, physical therapists, don’t just come up with exercises and resistance that patients need to do.  Its also not just a guess when we say the frequency and intensity of exercises like 10 repetitions for twice a week.  Exercise is a prescription; just not written on a prescription pad!  exercise prescription Continue reading “Tips on Prescribing Exercise as a Physical Therapist”